Numerology is an occult science that helps to predict a pesons character, future events, luck, auspicious and inauspicious times and many more by working on the name and date of birth of a person. Of all occult sciences which claims to predict the future events of a persons life, numerology have always had an esteemed place in public mind. Futurologists or soothsayers have very often misused this public sentiment and many cases of cheating by dishonest astrologers, palmists and numerologists are on records. But this has not lessened the importance of these subjects as such in any way.
Astrology involves so much calculations and arithmetic. Palmistry has to be supported by astrology or numerology for making it exact. Numerology, on the other hand, is a very simple and exact system for making predictions. No cumbersome table of planet positions are needed. Complicate arithmetic calculations are not involved.An expert numerologist can tell the exact time and date of future events and suggest favourable time and date for carrying out special businesses.He can suggest remedial measures in difficult situation by pointing out which stones to wear.
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